Monday, August 18, 2008

John Robbins

John Robbins of the Trinity Foundation, passed away. He was not well liked because of his polemical style and nature. And I have to admit sometimes his rhetoric was over the top and his tendency to blame Van Til for everything put off more than a few. However, Robbins was a Christian leader and thinker. He is too often pigeon holed as that polemical man who annoyed a lot of people. His short little pamphlet on Philemon is excellent and shows that Robbins could deal with Biblical texts. If you have not read his critique of Doug Wilson entitled Not Reformed At All then you have not read everything you should. His works on economics were stellar, and his chore of reprinting Gordon Clark too often goes unappreciated. I have little worry in saying that Robbins has left the church militant and joined the church triumphant. So put aside anything you have heard about the man. Go get a few of his works and read them. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

My prayers will be with his friends and family.