Friday, August 04, 2006

Centrality of the Cross by Andrew Sandlin

Andrew Sandlin has a nice post about the centrality of the cross. Earlier I had listed Rev. Sandlin as a part of the Federal Vision, on which he challenged me. This most recent post extolling the centrality of the cross over the centrality of the incarnation distances Rev. Sandlin from the Federal Vision. Rev. Sandlin still holds to Theological Development as well as Shepherds’ view of justification, but he has taken it a long a different path than Federal Vision men.


Mark said...

This most recent post extolling the centrality of the cross over the centrality of the incarnation distances Rev. Sandlin from the Federal Vision.


So you are willing to exonerate one man if you can misrepresent everyone else.

Lee said...

I think you may be reading too much into that statement. I am not saying that the Federal Vision denies the cross, or ignores the cross, or has no place for the cross.

I do believe that the Federal Vision follows the lead of Mercersburg in a Incarnation-centerd theology. For example, James Jordan's thesis that Jesus would have become incarnate even if Adam had not sinned. Or Nevin's view of the Supper is advocated by some. It seems to me to be a fair assessment, but if you disagree, I would be willing to hear it.

Gone for now said...

I am not sure I would grant the Federal Visionists the concept of being "incarnation centered." At the same time, it is significant that eastern idolatry is justified on the same supposed grounds. I fail to see why orthodox, traditional, Reformed believers should have to defend themselves in their court. Let them explain how their views do not contradict our faith. We hold the courts, not them. Theological novelties are not granted the priviledge of sitting in judgment. Of course, they will claim that their theology is not novel. Fine. Prove it. I'm waiting. Still waiting. Yeah. Still waiting.

All I hear from them is that they are misrepresented, although they fail to articulate just how they are misrepresented. Its like pinning jello to a wall. To me, it is simple, if you are a Federal Visionist, be a man and take a stand, if you are found wanting on the scales of Reformed orthodoxy, go elsewhere if you are convinced that you are right. Quit whinning like women and children about being misrepresented.
